About us
20 October 2020 2024-11-04 13:43About us

What is a Neighbourhood Centre?
A Neighbourhood Centre is just that – a centre for the neighbourhood to use. The first Neighbourhood Centres were established in 1973, with the help of State Government funding. Currently there are 8 Neighbourhood Centres throughout Cardinia Shire.
Neighbourhood Centres are special because they are managed by and for the community. The Committee of Management and staff at the Centre share decision making on management, policies and procedures.
Neighbourhood Centres have a special atmosphere. They are welcoming, non threatening places where anyone can come to meet new friends, get helpful information and learn new skills. Although Neighbourhood Centres differ from each other in many ways, they all aim to reflect the needs of their community, encourage personal growth, self help and sharing of knowledge, and provide stepping stones to allow people to grow.
History of the Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre
Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre commenced as Beaconsfield Community Centre operating out of a portable building in Beaconsfield Avenue, thanks to an enthusiastic group of Beaconsfield residents who formed an Incorporated Association to run a neighbourhood house in 1992. Activities were held in several different buildings because the Beaconsfield Avenue building venue was small.
In 2004 the Centre relocated to its current, larger venue in the Beaconsfield Community Complex in O’Neil Road. The move offered an opportunity to expand programs and the Centre grew rapidly. The name was changed to Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre, to avoid confusion with the name of the new building.

All programs are now held under one roof at the Complex, with a popular children’s program and a wide variety of social, art and craft, health and learning activities. The courses and activities change to reflect community demand but many of the original programs are still offered and well-attended.

Statement of Purposes
The organisation follows a set of rules. The Constitution of the Association states the formal purpose of Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre:
(1) The principal purpose of the charitable Association is to advance education and social and public welfare by providing a venue and focal point that offers a wide variety of community services, activities and information to support the local community.
(2) In support of the principal purpose the supporting purposes of the Association are to–
(a) establish and operate a pre-school;
(b) establish and operate a child-care centre for children who are too young to attend school;
(c) provide opportunities for education and training for children and adults, including those with a physical or mental disability, to build skills and encourage natural learning opportunities;
(d) provide individuals and families with opportunities for meaningful participation and active inclusion in the local community;
(e) provide general community support, particularly to youth, children, families and older people;
(f) support and work collaboratively with other organisations, groups and individuals in the community;
(g) provide services, activities and resources that are responsive to the changing needs and expectations in the community.
Meet Our Committee of Management 2024-2025
President: Noel Wyett
Vice President: Maree Hynes
Secretary: Katharine O’Carroll
Treasurer: Sharyn Cronin
General Members:
Valerie Boumann
Louise Stirling
Miryam Prasetyo
Bronwyn Thomas
Monica Spiteri

Subcommittees and Working Groups
Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre has ongoing Subcommittees, and sometimes short term working groups, to assist with getting the work of the management group done. Subcommittees and working groups usually have between 3 and 6 members. The small number of people can do in-depth work on particular issues and come back with plans or recommendations for the Committee of Management to decide on. The President may be an ex-officio member of each Subcommittee.
They can help to:
Reduce overwork in very active members
Better use the skills and expertise of many people
Share power and responsibility
Give opportunities for training and skill development
Allow the Committee to co-opt people with new ideas or expertise
Share the “dirty” work
Make it easier for individuals to participate
Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre Subcommittees include
Hall and Building
Publicity and Promotion
Open Day and Special Events